Python is an interpreted, general-purpose high-level programming language whose design philosophy emphasizes code readability. Python aims to combine "remarkable power with very clear syntax", and its standard library is large and comprehensive. [Link]
The tour's workshop is part of a grassroots effort organized by programmers, educators and open-source software champions. Ghana's Google Technology User Group (GTUG) along with other experts will be instructors during the workshop. The workshop will bring new technology ideas and skills to students and professionals in Ghana.
The agenda is:
- Day 1: Introduction to Python
- Day 2: Introduction to Python (cont.)
- Day 3: Introduction to Web Development with Python (particularly with Django)
- Day 4: Python Sprint/Hackathon
- Day 5: Python Sprint/Hackathon (cont.)
The tour will be hosted for the tutorial part of the workshop (18-20 Jan 2011) by African University College of Communications (AUCC - Map) and for the Sprint/Hackathon (21-22 Jan 2011) by Ghana Telecom University College (GTUC - Map)
The tour is coordinated by Kamon Ayeva, and has made previous stops in Nigeria, Senegal and Morocco.
Sponsors currently include Google, BECATEC, Python Software Foundation, and supported by Fedora Linux Project, Ghana GTUG and Hutspace.
Contact the PAT Oraganising Team (for more information, sponsorship etc) at
You can also regiser to be part of the tour at: